Free Personal Shoppers

Personal shoppers are people who help their customers with their shopping. Personal shoppers can be service providers who engaged his skills to a particular crowd. They can either work as independent freelance personal shoppers or work for large departmental stores for a specific department.

If you don’t want to go out and look for customers on your own, you may want to consider working as a free personal shopper in departmental stores. This career move may be perfect for some people, especially those who’d love to shop. Even though this sounds like an easy job, there are a lot of other effort involved to do a satisfactory job of satisfying a customer’s purchasing needs. But of course, personal shopping can be enormously enjoyable and it is also a fantastic job if you can handle the tasks.

Create and Maintain a Client Database

Even though you do not need to look for other customers other than your department store’s walk in customers, you are still expected to keep a good relationship with these customers. Since a big portion of your salary is determined by the number of purchases your customers made from your recommendations, you would want the customers to ask for you as their personal shopper as soon as they walk in that door. If you do your job well, they may even refer you to their friends who may shop at the same place they do.

Apart from making recommendations and offering opinions on the items that your customers need, as a free personal shopper, sometimes you may even need to play the role of a listener to your customers’ rants. It is normal for the customers to reveal personal information and dilemmas to their personal shoppers so you are expected to be friendly and sympathetic to the stories of their lives. Think of it as shopping with your close friends and you’d get the idea.

Know the Vogue Perceptively

Most freelance personal shoppers have their own area of expertise. A free personal shopper should also have his or her own field of expertise although most of the time you will be spread across different departments depending on what items your customers’ would need.

As a free personal shopper, you may not have the luxury of maintaining the knowledge of only a specific type of products, you may need to keep up-to-date with other products from other departments as well. It will serve you well to know the shopping habits of your customers so that you can at least anticipate their requests and make the appropriate arrangements necessary.

F.O.C Service to the Customers

Since a free personal shopper, like you, is usually provided by the department store without any additional charges to the customers, this is also one of the reasons why these customers would engage the services of a free personal shopper. The thought of having someone who can provide them with professional opinions and also help them with their purchases may just be the only reason they shop at a particular department stores.


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