Personal Shopper Business Plan

So you have decided to make a career out of being a personal shopper. That is a very smart move especially if you have a talent in fashion and choosing the right style. However, one important aspect that you should never let go of is this: you need to run your business well, like a business. It might be fun and you are certainly lucky to be able to be involved in something that you are passionate about.

But the cold hard fact is that a business is also about dollars and cents. If you can grasp this idea, then you will be very successful indeed. For starters, any business should have a business plan. So let us have a look at your personal shopper business plan.

Executive Summary

Like all other businesses, having a business plan is essential when starting out. A personal shopper business plan is definitely no exception. You should have a summary which would tell potential investors – or more importantly the bank if you are planning on applying for a loan for expansion – what your business is all about.

This part is highly important because it is the first stop of your personal shopper business plan that people will look at. So don’t forget to be clear about your goals and concise. Get straight to the point and don’t make it too long. Those in business would not have the time and will not even bother to try and sift through that long paragraph looking for important details.

Your Mission and Goals

The next step would be to expand on what has already been in your executive summary. For example, you need to let people know what you see in your business, so your personal shopper business plan should state your mission and goals.

Give reasons for your objectives and how you plan to achieve them. If possible, give examples as to the trends that you can capitalise on to ensure the further growth for your company. This part of your personal shopper business plan is important as well because people want to know whether you have a pertinent direction for your business. If it is well thought out, then your credibility automatically increases.

Your Marketing Strategy

Next, you would want to determine a marketing strategy for your personal shopper business. You want people to know about your business and this helps potential investors see if you will be able to mark a presence with your business. There is certainly no point if you open a business but don’t tell anyone about it.

Basically, if no one knows that you existed, then you might as well don’t bother with the attempt. Luckily, the advent of the Internet greatly increases your chances of promotional activities that you can conduct at a very low price. Do not be afraid to think out of the box when coming up with marketing strategies for your personal shopper business plan.

Along the way, you will come across different ideas and points for your personal shopper business plan. However, the main points would be your executive summary, mission, goals as well as your marketing strategy. A personal shopper business plan will help others gain a better understanding of your business. As such, draft it out properly and ensure that it is exactly how you want others to look at your business.


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